  • 板块灌水区
  • 楼主cyanteam
  • 当前回复1
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  • 发布时间2024/9/20 21:04
  • 上次更新2024/9/20 21:44:33
cyanteam楼主2024/9/20 21:04



如果将根节点所在的层也计算在内,那么对于一棵有 \( n \) 个节点的三叉树,其最小高度 \( h \) 可以通过以下公式计算:

\[ h = \lceil \log_3(n) \rceil \]

给定 \( n = 2023 \),我们可以计算最小高度:

\[ h = \lceil \log_3(2023) \rceil \]

使用计算器计算 \( \log_3(2023) \) 的值,然后向上取整,可以得到最小高度。
\[ h = 13 \]

一棵拥有2023个节点的三叉树,如果将根节点所在的层也计算在内,其高度至少为 \(13\)。


Let $n$ be the number of nodes in a ternary tree (a tree where each node has at most three children), and let $h$ be the height of the tree. The height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf.
In a ternary tree with height $h$, the maximum number of nodes is given by the formula:
$$n_{max} = \sum_{i=0}^h 3^i = \frac{3^{h+1} - 1}{3-1} = \frac{3^{h+1} - 1}{2}$$
We are given that the ternary tree has $n = 2023$ nodes. We want to find the minimum height $h$ such that the maximum number of nodes is at least 2023.
We need to find the smallest integer $h$ such that:
$$\frac{3^{h+1} - 1}{2} \ge 2023$$
$$3^{h+1} - 1 \ge 4046$$
$$3^{h+1} \ge 4047$$
Taking the logarithm base 3 of both sides:
$$h+1 \ge \log_3(4047)$$
$$h+1 \ge \frac{\ln(4047)}{\ln(3)}$$
$$h+1 \ge \frac{8.304}{1.099} \approx 7.556$$
$$h \ge 6.556$$
Since $h$ must be an integer, the minimum height is $h = 7$.
Let's check if $h=6$ is enough:
$$\frac{3^{6+1} - 1}{2} = \frac{3^7 - 1}{2} = \frac{2187 - 1}{2} = \frac{2186}{2} = 1093$$
Since $1093 < 2023$, $h=6$ is not enough.
Let's check if $h=7$ is enough:
$$\frac{3^{7+1} - 1}{2} = \frac{3^8 - 1}{2} = \frac{6561 - 1}{2} = \frac{6560}{2} = 3280$$
Since $3280 > 2023$, $h=7$ is enough.
Thus, the minimum height is $h=7$.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is 7.

The minimum height of a ternary tree with 2023 nodes is $\boxed{7}$.

Final Answer: The final answer is 7.
2024/9/20 21:04