  • 板块P1001 A+B Problem
  • 楼主lin_toto葉月ゆら
  • 当前回复49
  • 已保存回复49
  • 发布时间2014/2/7 11:20
  • 上次更新2024/8/17 17:32:47
lin_toto葉月ゆら楼主2014/2/7 11:20



program problem; var en,et,ec,eu,ep,ex:Array[0..250000] of longint; dis:array[0..1000] of longint; v:array[0..1000] of boolean; i,j,k,n,m,w,cost,l:longint; a,b,ans,left,right:longint;function min(a,b:longint):longint; begin if a<b then min:=a else min:=b end;procedure addedge(s,t,c,u,k:longint); begin inc(l); en[l]:=en[s]; en[s]:=l; et[l]:=t; ec[l]:=c; eu[l]:=u; ep[l]:=l+k; end;procedure build(s,t,u,c:longint); begin addedge(s,t,c,u,1); addedge(t,s,-c,0,-1); end;function aug(no,m:longint):longint; var i,d:longint; begin if no=n then begin inc(cost,m*dis[1]); exit; end; v[no]:=true; i:=ex[no]; while i<>0 do begin if (eu[i]>0) and not v[et[i]] and (dis[et[i]]+ec[i]=dis[no]) then begin d:=aug(et[i],min(m,eu[i]));

if d>0 then begin dec(eu[i],d); inc(eu[ep[i]],d); ex[no]:=i; exit(d); end; end; i:=en[i]; end; ex[no]:=i; exit(0); end;function modlabel:boolean; var d,i,j:longint; begin d:=maxlongint; for i:=1 to n do if v[i] then begin j:=en[i]; while j<>0 do begin if (eu[j]>0) and not v[et[j]] and (ec[j]-dis[i]+dis[et[j]]<d) then d:=ec[j]-dis[i]+dis[et[j]]; j:=en[j] end; end; if d=maxlongint then exit(true); for i:=1 to n do if v[i] then begin v[i]:=false; inc(dis[i],d); end; exit(false); end;function work:longint; var i:longint; begin cost:=0; repeat for i:=1 to n do ex[i]:=en[i];

while aug(1,maxlongint)>0 do fillchar(v,sizeof(v),0); until modlabel; work:=cost; end;function solve(x,d:longint):longint; var i,k,t,p,last,cost,lk:longint; begin fillchar(en,sizeof(en),0); fillchar(dis,sizeof(dis),0); k:=0; n:=2; t:=x; p:=0; while x<>0 do begin k:=k+x mod 10; x:=x div 10; inc(p); end; n:=1; x:=t; l:=k+p+1; last:=1; cost:=1; lk:=0; while x<>0 do begin k:=x mod 10; for i:=1 to k do begin inc(n); build(last,n,1,-cost); build(n,last+k+1,1,0); end; cost:=cost*10; inc(n); if last<>1 then begin if lk<k then build(1,last,k-lk,0); if k<lk then build(last,n,lk-k,0); end;

last:=n; x:=x div 10; if lk<k then lk:=k; end; build(1,n,1,d); solve:=-work; end;begin readln(a,b); left:=1; right:=1000000000; while right-left>15000 do begin ans:=(left+right)shr 1; if solve(ans,b)>a then right:=ans else left:=ans; end; for i:=left to right do if solve(i,b)=a then begin writeln(i); halt; end; end.


2014/2/7 11:20