  • 板块灌水区
  • 楼主MatrixGroup
  • 当前回复5
  • 已保存回复5
  • 发布时间2021/7/25 20:55
  • 上次更新2023/11/4 13:19:54
MatrixGroup楼主2021/7/25 20:55

Codeforces System 给我发了这个:

Hello, BilibiliTDASC! Your recent comments/blog posts/other activities have violated rules of our community. It seems this content is nonsensical, troll-like, dirty, coarse, offensive, aggressive, meaningless, violating other rules or ethical norms. Probably, it wasn’t written in English (or Russian if you specify this language for blog post or comment). Please, be polite, reasoned, do not publish junk content, do not violate conventional ethical standards. You should not publish content that does not correspond to the topic of discussion or does not correspond to the topic of the website. Use common sense when analyzing to write or not write any content. You should not publish comic content, especially if it is not interesting to a wide part of the audience, repeats the existing one, or has no connection with competitive programming. Your account has been blocked to write any social content for 48 hours and your recent content has been deleted. Hope you follow the relevant conclusions and this situation will not happen again. In case of repeated violations, more severe penalties may be applied to your account, up to and including blocking.




2021/7/25 20:55