  • 板块学术版
  • 楼主CreeperLordVader
  • 当前回复11
  • 已保存回复11
  • 发布时间2021/7/11 16:48
  • 上次更新2023/11/4 15:04:59
CreeperLordVader楼主2021/7/11 16:48



LetMM, NN,PPbe sets and let

f:NMf:N\rightarrow M

g:PN g:P\rightarrow N

be maps between them. The product or composition of f and g is the map

fg:PMfg:P\rightarrow M

defined as

(fg)(a)=f(g(a))aP(fg)(a) = f(g(a)) \forall a \in P

i.e., the result of successive application of, first, g and, then, f . In particular, when M = N = P, we obtain an operation on the set of all maps from M to itself. This operation provides many important examples of algebraic structures that are called groups. For example, according to the axioms of Euclidean geometry, the product of two motions of the plane is again a motion. When we consider the operation of multiplication on the set of all such motions, we obtain the algebraic structure called the group of motions of the plane.

2021/7/11 16:48