  • 板块灌水区
  • 楼主Durancer
  • 当前回复9
  • 已保存回复9
  • 发布时间2020/12/3 22:28
  • 上次更新2023/11/5 06:46:12
Durancer楼主2020/12/3 22:28
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <complex>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#define DIGIT 4
#define DEPTH 10000
#define MAXX 1000 + 5
typedef int bignum_t[MAXX + 1];
int read(bignum_t a, istream&is = cin) {
    char buf[MAXX * DIGIT + 1], ch;
    int i, j;
    memset((void*)a, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    if (!(is >> buf)) return 0;
    for (a[0] = strlen(buf), i = a[0] / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        ch = buf[i], buf[i] = buf[a[0] - 1 - i], buf[a[0] - 1 - i] = ch ;
    for (a[0] = (a[0] + DIGIT - 1) / DIGIT, j = strlen(buf); j < a[0]*DIGIT; buf[j++] = '0');
    for (i = 1; i <= a[0]; i++)
        for (a[i] = 0, j = 0; j < DIGIT; j++)
            a[i] = a[i] * 10 + buf[i * DIGIT - 1 - j] - '0';
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
    return 1;
void write(const bignum_t a, ostream&os = cout) {
    int i, j;
    for (os << a[i = a[0]], i--; i; i--)
        for (j = DEPTH / 10; j; j /= 10)
            os << a[i] / j % 10;
int comp(const bignum_t a, const bignum_t b) {
    if (a[0] != b[0]) return a[0] - b[0];
    for (int i = a[0]; i; i--) if (a[i] != b[i]) return a[i] - b[i];
    return 0;
int comp(const bignum_t a, const int b) {
    int c[12] = {1};
    for (c[1] = b; c[c[0]] >= DEPTH; c[c[0] + 1] = c[c[0]] / DEPTH, c[c[0]] %= DEPTH, c[0]++);
    return comp(a, c);
int comp(const bignum_t a, const int c, const int d, const bignum_t b) {
    int i, t = 0, O = -DEPTH * 2;
    if (b[0] - a[0] < d and c) return 1;
    for (i = b[0]; i > d; i--) {
        t = t * DEPTH + a[i - d] * c - b[i];
        if (t > 0) return 1;
        if (t < O) return 0;
    for (i = d; i; i--) {
        t = t * DEPTH - b[i];
        if (t > 0) return 1;
        if (t < O) return 0;
    return t > 0;
void add(bignum_t a, const bignum_t b) {
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= b[0]; i++)
        if ((a[i] += b[i]) >= DEPTH)
            a[i] -= DEPTH, a[i + 1]++;
    if (b[0] >= a[0]) a[0] = b[0];
    else for (; a[i] >= DEPTH and i < a[0]; a[i] -= DEPTH, i++, a[i]++);
    a[0] += (a[a[0] + 1] > 0);
void add(bignum_t a, const int b) {
    int i = 1;
    for (a[1] += b; a[i] >= DEPTH and i < a[0]; a[i + 1] += a[i] / DEPTH, a[i] %= DEPTH, i++);
    for (; a[a[0]] >= DEPTH; a[a[0] + 1] = a[a[0]] / DEPTH, a[a[0]] %= DEPTH, a[0]++);
void sub(bignum_t a, const bignum_t b) {
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= b[0]; i++) if ((a[i] -= b[i]) < 0) a[i + 1]--, a[i] += DEPTH;
    for (; a[i] < 0; a[i] += DEPTH, i++, a[i]--);
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
void sub(bignum_t a, const int b) {
    int i = 1;
    for (a[1] -= b; a[i] < 0; a[i + 1] += (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH, a[i] -= (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH * DEPTH, i++);
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
void sub(bignum_t a, const bignum_t b, const int c, const int d) {
    int i, O = b[0] + d;
    for (i = 1 + d; i <= O; i++)
        if ((a[i] -= b[i - d] * c) < 0)
            a[i + 1] += (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH, a[i] -= (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH * DEPTH;
    for (; a[i] < 0; a[i + 1] += (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH, a[i] -= (a[i] - DEPTH + 1) / DEPTH * DEPTH, i++);
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
void mul(bignum_t c, const bignum_t a, const bignum_t b) {
    int i, j;
    memset((void*)c, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    for (c[0] = a[0] + b[0] - 1, i = 1; i <= a[0]; i++)
        for (j = 1; j <= b[0]; j++)
            if ((c[i + j - 1] += a[i] * b[j]) >= DEPTH)
                c[i + j] += c[i + j - 1] / DEPTH, c[i + j - 1] %= DEPTH;
    for (c[0] += (c[c[0] + 1] > 0); !c[c[0]] and c[0] > 1; c[0]--);
void mul(bignum_t a, const int b) {
    int i;
    for (a[1] *= b, i = 2; i <= a[0]; i++) {
        a[i] *= b;
        if (a[i - 1] >= DEPTH) a[i] += a[i - 1] / DEPTH, a[i - 1] %= DEPTH;
    for (; a[a[0]] >= DEPTH; a[a[0] + 1] = a[a[0]] / DEPTH, a[a[0]] %= DEPTH, a[0]++);
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
void mul(bignum_t b, const bignum_t a, const int c, const int d) {
    int i;
    memset((void*)b, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    for (b[0] = a[0] + d, i = d + 1; i <= b[0]; i++)
        if ((b[i] += a[i - d] * c) >= DEPTH)
            b[i + 1] += b[i] / DEPTH, b[i] %= DEPTH ;
    for (; b[b[0] + 1]; b[0]++, b[b[0] + 1] = b[b[0]] / DEPTH, b[b[0]] %= DEPTH);
    for (; !b[b[0]] and b[0] > 1; b[0]--);
void div(bignum_t c, bignum_t a, const bignum_t b) {
    int h, l, m, i;
    memset((void*)c, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    c[0] = (b[0] < a[0] + 1) ? (a[0] - b[0] + 2) : 1;
    for (i = c[0]; i; sub(a, b, c[i] = m, i - 1), i--)
        for (h = DEPTH - 1, l = 0, m = (h + l + 1) >> 1; h > l; m = (h + l + 1) >> 1)
            if (comp(b, m, i - 1, a)) h = m - 1;
            else l = m;
    for (; !c[c[0]] and c[0] > 1; c[0]--);
    c[0] = c[0] > 1 ? c[0] : 1;
void div(bignum_t a, const int b, int&c) {
    int i;
    for (c = 0, i = a[0]; i; c = c * DEPTH + a[i], a[i] = c / b, c %= b, i--);
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
void sqrt(bignum_t b, bignum_t a) {
    int h, l, m, i;
    memset((void*)b, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    for (i = b[0] = (a[0] + 1) >> 1; i; sub(a, b, m, i - 1), b[i] += m, i--)
        for (h = DEPTH - 1, l = 0, b[i] = m = (h + l + 1) >> 1; h > l; b[i] = m = (h + l + 1) >> 1)
            if (comp(b, m, i - 1, a)) h = m - 1;
            else l = m;
    for (; !b[b[0]] and b[0] > 1; b[0]--);
    for (i = 1; i <= b[0]; b[i++] >>= 1);
int length(const bignum_t a) {
    int t, ret;
    for (ret = (a[0] - 1) * DIGIT, t = a[a[0]]; t; t /= 10, ret++);
    return ret > 0 ? ret : 1;
int digit(const bignum_t a, const int b) {
    int i, ret;
    for (ret = a[(b - 1) / DIGIT + 1], i = (b - 1) % DIGIT; i; ret /= 10, i--);
    return ret % 10;
int zeronum(const bignum_t a) {
    int ret, t;
    for (ret = 0; !a[ret + 1]; ret++);
    for (t = a[ret + 1], ret *= DIGIT; !(t % 10); t /= 10, ret++);
    return ret;
void comp(int *a, const int l, const int h, const int d) {
    int i, j, t;
    for (i = l; i <= h; i++)
        for (t = i, j = 2; t > 1; j++)
            while (!(t % j))
                a[j] += d, t /= j;
void convert(int*a, const int h, bignum_t b) {
    int i, j, t = 1;
    memset(b, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    for (b[0] = b[1] = 1, i = 2; i <= h; i++)
        if (a[i])
            for (j = a[i]; j; t *= i, j--)
                if (t * i > DEPTH)
                    mul(b, t), t = 1;
    mul(b, t);
void combination(bignum_t a, int m, int n) {
    int *t = new int[m + 1];
    memset((void*)t, 0, sizeof(int) * (m + 1));
    comp(t, n + 1, m, 1);
    comp(t, 2, m - n, -1);
    convert(t, m, a);
    delete[] t;
void permutation(bignum_t a, int m, int n) {
    int i, t = 1;
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    a[0] = a[1] = 1;
    for (i = m - n + 1; i <= m; t *= i++)
        if (t * i > DEPTH)
            mul(a, t), t = 1;
    mul(a, t);
#define SGN(x) ((x) > 0 ? 1 : ((x) < 0 ? -1 : 0))
#define ABS(x) ((x) > 0 ? (x) : -(x))
int read(bignum_t a, int &sgn, istream &is = cin) {
    char str[MAXX * DIGIT + 2], ch, *buf; int i, j;
    memset((void*)a, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
    if (!(is >> str)) return 0;
    buf = str, sgn = 1;
    if (*buf == '-') sgn = -1, buf++;
    for (a[0] = strlen(buf), i = a[0] / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        ch = buf[i], buf[i] = buf[a[0] - 1 - i], buf[a[0] - 1 - i] = ch ;
    for (a[0] = (a[0] + DIGIT - 1) / DIGIT, j = strlen(buf); j < a[0]*DIGIT; buf[j++] = '0');
    for (i = 1; i <= a[0]; i++)
        for (a[i] = 0, j = 0; j < DIGIT; j++)
            a[i] = a[i] * 10 + buf[i * DIGIT - 1 - j] - '0';
    for (; !a[a[0]] and a[0] > 1; a[0]--);
    if (a[0] == 1 and !a[1]) sgn = 0;
    return 1;
struct bignum {
    bignum_t num; int sgn;
    inline bignum() {
        memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
        num[0] = 1; sgn = 0;
    inline int operator!() {return num[0] == 1 and !num[1];}
    inline bignum &operator = (const bignum &a) {
        memcpy(num, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        sgn = a.sgn;
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator = (const int a) {
        memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
        num[0] = 1; sgn = SGN(a); add(num, sgn * a);
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator += (const bignum &a) {
        if (sgn == a.sgn) add(num, a.num);
        else if (sgn and a.sgn) {
            int ret = comp(num, a.num);
            if (ret > 0) sub(num, a.num);
            else if (ret < 0) {
                bignum_t t;
                memcpy(t, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                memcpy(num, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                sub(num, t); sgn = a.sgn;
            else memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t)), num[0] = 1, sgn = 0;
        else if (!sgn) memcpy(num, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t)), sgn = a.sgn;
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator += (const int a) {
        if (sgn * a > 0) add(num, ABS(a));
        else if (sgn and a) {
            int  ret = comp(num, ABS(a));
            if (ret > 0) sub(num, ABS(a));
            else if (ret < 0) {
                bignum_t t;
                memcpy(t, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
                num[0] = 1;
                add(num, ABS(a));
                sgn = -sgn;
                sub(num, t);
            else memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t)), num[0] = 1, sgn = 0;
        else if (!sgn) sgn = SGN(a), add(num, ABS(a));
        return *this;
    inline bignum operator + (const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof (bignum_t));
        ret.sgn = sgn;
        ret += a;
        return ret;
    inline bignum operator + (const int a) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof (bignum_t));
        ret.sgn = sgn;
        ret += a;
        return ret;
    inline bignum &operator -= (const bignum &a) {
        if (sgn * a.sgn < 0) add(num, a.num);
        else if (sgn and a.sgn) {
            int ret = comp(num, a.num);
            if (ret > 0)sub(num, a.num);
            else if (ret < 0) {
                bignum_t t;
                memcpy(t, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                memcpy(num, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                sub(num, t);
                sgn = -sgn;
            else memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t)), num[0] = 1, sgn = 0 ;
        else if (!sgn) add(num, a.num), sgn = -a.sgn;
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator -= (const int a) {
        if (sgn * a < 0) add(num, ABS(a));
        else if (sgn and a) {
            int ret = comp(num, ABS(a));
            if (ret > 0) sub(num, ABS(a));
            else if (ret < 0) {
                bignum_t t;
                memcpy(t, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
                memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
                num[0] = 1;
                add(num, ABS(a));
                sub(num, t);
                sgn = -sgn;
            else memset(num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t)), num[0] = 1, sgn = 0;
        else if (!sgn) sgn = -SGN(a), add(num, ABS(a));
        return *this;
    inline bignum operator - (const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        ret.sgn = sgn;
        ret -= a;
        return ret;
    inline bignum operator - (const int a) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        ret.sgn = sgn;
        ret -= a;
        return ret;
    inline bignum &operator *= (const bignum &a) {
        bignum_t t;
        mul(t, num, a.num);
        memcpy(num, t, sizeof(bignum_t));
        sgn *= a.sgn;
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator *= (const int a) {
        mul(num, ABS(a));
        sgn *= SGN(a);
        return *this;
    inline bignum operator * (const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret;
        mul(ret.num, num, a.num);
        ret.sgn = sgn * a.sgn;
        return ret;
    inline bignum operator * (const int a) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof (bignum_t));
        mul(ret.num, ABS(a));
        ret.sgn = sgn * SGN(a);
        return ret;
    inline bignum &operator /= (const bignum &a) {
        bignum_t t; div(t, num, a.num);
        memcpy (num, t, sizeof(bignum_t));
        sgn = (num[0] == 1 and !num[1]) ? 0 : sgn * a.sgn;
        return *this;
    inline bignum &operator /= (const int a) {
        int t; div(num, ABS(a), t);
        sgn = (num[0] == 1 and !num [1]) ? 0 : sgn * SGN(a);
        return *this;
    inline bignum operator / (const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret; bignum_t t;
        memcpy(t, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        div(ret.num, t, a.num);
        ret.sgn = (ret.num[0] == 1 and !ret.num[1]) ? 0 : sgn * a.sgn ;
        return ret;
    inline bignum operator / (const int a) {
        bignum ret; int t;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        div(ret.num, ABS(a), t);
        ret.sgn = (ret.num[0] == 1 and !ret.num[1]) ? 0 : sgn * SGN(a);
        return ret;
    inline bignum &operator %= (const bignum &a) {
        bignum_t t;
        div(t, num, a.num);
        if (num[0] == 1 and !num[1])sgn = 0;
        return *this;
    inline int operator %= (const int a) {
        int t;
        div(num, ABS(a), t);
        memset(num, 0, sizeof (bignum_t));
        num[0] = 1;
        add(num, t);
        return t;
    inline bignum operator % (const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret; bignum_t t;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        div(t, ret.num, a.num);
        ret.sgn = (ret.num[0] == 1 and !ret.num [1]) ? 0 : sgn;
        return ret;
    inline int operator % (const int a) {
        bignum ret; int t;
        memcpy(ret.num, num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        div(ret.num, ABS(a), t);
        memset(ret.num, 0, sizeof(bignum_t));
        ret.num[0] = 1;
        add(ret.num, t);
        return t;
    inline bignum &operator ++ () {*this += 1; return *this;}
    inline bignum &operator -- () {*this -= 1; return *this;};
    inline int operator > (const bignum &a) {return sgn > 0 ? (a.sgn > 0 ? comp(num, a.num) > 0 : 1) : (sgn < 0 ? (a.sgn < 0 ? comp(num, a.num) < 0 : 0) : a.sgn < 0);}
    inline int operator > (const int a) {return sgn > 0 ? (a > 0 ? comp(num, a) > 0 : 1) : (sgn < 0 ? (a < 0 ? comp(num, -a) < 0 : 0) : a < 0);}
    inline int operator >= (const bignum &a) {return sgn > 0 ? (a.sgn > 0 ? comp(num, a.num) >= 0 : 1) : (sgn < 0 ? (a.sgn < 0 ? comp(num, a.num) <= 0 : 0) : a.sgn <= 0);}
    inline int operator >= (const int a) {return sgn > 0 ? (a > 0 ? comp(num, a) >= 0 : 1) : (sgn < 0 ? (a < 0 ? comp(num, -a) <= 0 : 0) : a <= 0);}
    inline int operator < (const bignum &a) {return sgn < 0 ? (a.sgn < 0 ? comp(num, a.num) > 0 : 1) : (sgn > 0 ? (a.sgn > 0 ? comp(num, a.num) < 0 : 0) : a.sgn > 0);}
    inline int operator < (const int a) {return sgn < 0 ? (a < 0 ? comp(num, -a) > 0 : 1) : (sgn > 0 ? (a > 0 ? comp(num, a) < 0 : 0) : a > 0);}
    inline int operator <= (const bignum &a) {return sgn < 0 ? (a.sgn < 0 ? comp(num, a.num) >= 0 : 1) : (sgn > 0 ? (a.sgn > 0 ? comp(num, a.num) <= 0 : 0) : a.sgn >= 0);}
    inline int operator <= (const int a) {return sgn < 0 ? (a < 0 ? comp(num, -a) >= 0 : 1) :(sgn > 0 ? (a > 0 ? comp(num, a) <= 0 : 0) : a >= 0);}
    inline int operator == (const bignum &a) {return (sgn == a.sgn) ? !comp(num, a.num) : 0;}
    inline int operator == (const int a) {return (sgn * a >= 0) ? !comp(num, ABS(a)) : 0;}
    inline int operator != (const bignum &a) {return (sgn == a.sgn) ? comp(num, a.num) : 1;}
    inline int operator != (const int a) {return (sgn * a >= 0) ? comp(num, ABS(a)) : 1;}
    inline int operator [] (const int a) {return digit(num, a);}
    friend inline istream &operator >> (istream &is, bignum &a) {
        read(a.num, a.sgn, is);
        return is;
    friend inline ostream &operator << (ostream &os, const bignum &a) {
        if (a.sgn < 0) os << '-';
        write(a.num, os);
        return os;
    friend inline bignum sqrt(const bignum &a) {
        bignum ret; bignum_t t;
        memcpy(t, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        sqrt(ret.num, t);
        ret.sgn = ret.num[0] != 1 or ret.num[1];
        return ret;
    friend inline bignum sqrt(const bignum &a, bignum &b) {
        bignum ret;
        memcpy(b.num, a.num, sizeof(bignum_t));
        sqrt(ret.num, b.num);
        ret.sgn = ret.num[0] != 1 or ret.num[1];
        b.sgn = b.num[0] != 1 or ret.num[1];
        return ret;
    inline int length() {return::length(num);}
    inline int zeronum() {return::zeronum(num);}
    inline bignum C(const int m, const int n) {combination(num, m, n); sgn = 1; return *this;}
    inline bignum P(const int m, const int n) {permutation(num, m, n); sgn = 1; return *this;}
bignum CSP_S_RP;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) 
    while (1) {
        CSP_S_RP += 1;
    return 0;
2020/12/3 22:28