  • 板块灌水区
  • 楼主Horizon20182201
  • 当前回复13
  • 已保存回复13
  • 发布时间2020/6/10 23:30
  • 上次更新2023/11/7 00:52:18
Horizon20182201楼主2020/6/10 23:30




After the Youth ceremony , we all entered the palace of youth . I believe that everyone must be excited and joyful !

Let’s review the process . First , we held the withdrawal ceremony of the young pioneers , we bid farewell to our childhood . Next our two vice-principals together opened the door of youth for us and we sent the balloons into the air . Then there was a poetry recital . After that , the grade director led us to give a pledge of youth . Finally , we students went through the door of youth and signed on the Signature Wall .

Since then , we have become a real teenager . We are the master of our fates , we ought not to waste time , the youth without trying hard is meaningless . No matter how difficult it is in front of us , we should try our best to beat it . Sometimes we can not succeed , but at least we have proved ourselves .

At times , having the ambition of youth can’t work , we need more effort to achieve our dreams . Now we are in a era of rapid change and quick development of science . We are eager for knowledge to make us live in the world and promote social development. So we need to work hard to contribute to our common future.

In the face of difficulties , we should never shrink back . Instead , we are supposed to value our youth and shoulder the burden on us . Eventually we can creat a successful career.

The horn of advance has sounded, the future is calling to us ! Release your energy ! The future will surely belong to us !


2020/6/10 23:30