Tweetuzki楼主2020/4/30 10:25
  1. 为了题面与数据范围的统一,题面内所有的 BB 应该改为 SS,或将数据范围内的 SS 改成 BB
  2. 原题有要求添加的加号数量最少,这个要求在翻译时遗漏。
  3. 原题数据范围内注明:AA 最多包含 10001000 位。这应该对应的是 A<101000A \lt 10 ^ {1000} 而非 10100110 ^ {1001}
  4. 原题数据保证有解,这点在翻译过后没给出。
  5. 原题数据也保证了 ABA \neq B,这点在翻译过后的数据范围内没给出。



While browsing a math book, Mirko found a strange equation of the form A=S. What makes the equation strange is that AA and SS are not the same. Mirko realized that the left side of the equation should have addition operations between some pairs of digits in AA.

Write a program that inserts the smallest number of addition operations on the left side to make the equation correct. The numbers in the corrected equation may contain arbitrary amounts of leading zeros.


  • The first line contains the equation in the form A=S.
  • AA and SS will both be positive integers without leading zeros. They will be different.
  • AA will contain at most 10001000 digits.
  • SS will be less than or equal to 50005000.
  • Note: The input data will guarantee that a solution, although not necessarily unique, will always exist.


  • Output the corrected equation. If there are multiple solutions, output any of them.
2020/4/30 10:25